Janet and Joe are a happy couple. Very much in love with each other. They met quite young and were married by the time they were twenty. After getting the money for a deposit, they bought an old house and renovated it over a couple of years. Then their luck changed. They hit the jackpot on the lottery.
They took their time and decided to go on a cruise to think things over. The first thing would be a new house. Fortunately, the ship had WIFI so they could link in with the internet. They found a area and looked at houses for sale. There were some lovely ones which they could afford, some were so big, that they would need a maid to keep it clean.
After the cruise they seriously went looking. They found a lovely barn conversion they fell in love with. It had beams everywhere. Fully fitted kitchen with a separate utility room. Janet loved it so that set her mind on it. There were six bedrooms. Three of them were en-suite. The surrounding views were to die for and it had a long drive so they would not get pestered by cold callers and such like. There was also a two bedroomed outbuilding. Janet said people could stay there. Joe agreed.
The pair decided to stay on at work to save getting bored. that lasted six months until they found hobbies they liked. It wasn’t only that, but working meant that the house wasn’t as clean as they would like. So, they advertised for some cleaners. They went into town and put an advert up. They had quite a few callers, but one they felt sorry for had lost her job when her employer died and now didn’t have a house or job. She and her friend had a week to get out. Her sister was a maid with her at the big house.
Janet thought it would be great to take them both on. They could live in the outbuilding. It was agreed and after the girls had settled in, they started working. Janet wanted to give them a good wage, but Joe said the minimum wage as they had lodging included. He would write up a contract for them. The house remained spotless and Janet and Joe found delicious meals waiting for them. So now they had cooks and maids at the same time. Janet had them in one day and said that although they look nice in their maids’ outfits, they can wear normal clothes but thy both agreed the uniforms made them work harder and kept them in their place. “You should try it one day” one of the maids said. “Interesting thought. Maybe one day I will” The other maid said she had a spare uniform so Janet could try it on. They were about the same size. Janet said she would think about it. “It would be good not to have to think how to look sexy now and then” The two girls looked at each other and grinned.
A few weeks went by and Joe took redundancy as a solicitor. He came out with a huge payout even though he hadn’t been there long. Coming home that night, he waked in t find three maids looking at him. “Janet! What are you doing dressed like that?” Janet replied the girls were showing what fun it can be being a maid. “I wanted to get changed before you got home!”
Joe ordered her to stand in the middle of the room. He walked around her looking at her just below her knee length uniform. He observed the apron and the bow at her back. Very sexy indeed. Maybe I should keep you like that” Janet laughed “Maybe you should try it” The two girls were stifling their grins behind his back. “Don’t be silly, I am a man. Men are not maids. We are leaders, women are followers”
Janet teased that he was too uncertain of his masculinity to try it, but no more was said that day. A few days later Joe said to Janet she looked lovely in that maids’ uniform. Janet laughed. “It was fun. You should try it” Joe shook his head. The two maids entered with their dinners. I bet us three girls could turn you into a lovely maid Joe. What do you think girls?” They agreed that they could help Janet turn Joe intro a female maid. Joe said nothing. “He is afraid girls. Afraid he would like it and lose his masculinity”. The girls laughed.
“Our last employers son used to get us to dress him as a maid and when his parents were away for a month, he used to do weeks about. One week he was the maid and us the ladies of the house, the following week it was normal. He is now the CEO of an international company controlling millions of pounds. He is on a six-figure salary now. Like us, he enjoyed the freedom of not having to make the choices. In turn, we appreciated what decisions he had to make” One of them said. The other said it was fun.
The maids left leaving Joe and Janet eating their meals. Very little was said between them. They adjourned to the lounge to watch the TV and found a comedy called Mrs. Doubtfire. Even Joe had to laugh at some of the antics. Janet was watching him all the time. Very closely indeed. After the film finished, Janet asked if he enjoyed the film. He admitted he did and it looked like the actor enjoyed playing the part. “Well, you try it and let me know if you like it” Joe said he would think about it. When they went to bed, Joe found Janet giggling. “What the matter with you?” “I just imagined you as a maid” Joe never replied, he gave Janet a kiss and went to sleep. It must have been on his mind as he had a nightmare that he was the maid of the house.
He told Janet and she laughed. “You must be dying to be a maid after all” “Stupid woman. I am not” Janet said he should try it out just for fun. She would do it at the same time. Joe agreed. Janet called in the two maids. “Joe said he would like to try being a maid, will you help me” “Of course mistress. lt will be fun”
That night, the four of them sat down and discussed the plan. One of the maids, Sandra, said that it would be best if a contract was made up to show he was the maid the same as it would be if you were to be the maid” Janet agreed. She could see nothing wrong with that. “Rosie, the other maid agreed, that by having a contract, even though it would be a joke one would make it seem real for Joe. No one else would know about it would they!” Joe got straight round to basically writing the contract. Suggestions were put in that the maids were to live in the live in the outbuilding while the mistresses had the run of the house.
Sandra and Rosie were to choose the uniforms they wanted their maids dressed in. The new maids, Joe and Janet, had no say in the matter. The pair stood up and were measured. The dresses were to be just below the knee. However, while Sandra measured, Rosie jotted down the numbers. “Just for a laugh, we should measure for maxi length and mini length uniforms as well”, Rosie said. Sandra laughed. “That will give us many options for our maids” Janet said cost was no concern. Sandra and Rosie were to get everything necessary. In the meantime, while waiting, lessons for Joe showed he could walk. And talk like a woman. The only problem was getting his voice higher in pitch. Rosie trained him and he was good at it within two weeks.
Six weeks went by and a delivery taken in. All the necessary items were there including caps, shoes, boots and corsets. Uniforms from a Victorian maid, down to a French maid’s outfits. Joe looked at them and pondered if he had done the right thing. “Of course you have. It will be a laugh” Janet told him. “It’s alright for you, you are a woman anyway” “That is why it will be work for me and a laugh for you” The two maids, Rosie and Sandra joined in to say he would look lovely and no one would recognise him by the time they were finished with him.
It was decided that the following Monday would be the first attempt at showing Joe just how hard a maid’s life is. But they would start off easy. On the Sunday, Rosie and Sandra moved into the main house while Janet and Joe moved into their house. Rosie and Janet went with them. Joe asked about his male clothes. “Oh no, you are a maid after today and we are taking your male clothes back” Janet asked what the theme was for that week. “We will start you off as ordinary maids in the black dresses, but you will have the bloomers, nylon petticoats, corset, black stockings, cap and white apron. The heels will only be the small heels, about an inch. Now we had better start on your hair styles. First, you must wash your hair. Thankfully it’s the perfect length so a wig won’t be required”
Joe said he had locked the contracts in the safe so they are not liable to be caught by anyone. Janet asked why the bloomers. “Maids can’t be wearing sexy silky panties. Get them off and put your bloomers on” Joe and Janet looked at each other. “We can’t be naked in front of our servants” sha said. “From now you are no longer the master and mistress. You are now the maids and when we tell you to do something, you do it. That is one mistake you have made”
Tentively the pair stripped off and stepped into the bloomers. They pulled them up and Joe felt the soft leg cuffs of the bloomers caressing his thighs. Joe found the soft material was rather nice to the touch. If only they made men’s clothes of that soft cotton. He had a sports bra put on him and some fillings were added. Joe’s breasts were now larger than Janet’s. She smiled and said she was jealous. Joe found them rather heavy. “Our maids must have large tits” Rosie insisted.
Sandra said his shape does not look right. She handed him one of her pull-on corsets and told him to put on the thick black stockings and the corset, attach the straps from the corset to the stockings and then pull the corset up as far as it will go.
Joe did as he was told. He found the corset tight, but manageable. Fortunately, it was nearly all elastic with no metal bars so wasn’t uncomfortable. When he went back to the lounge, he saw Janet in a suspender belt and stockings. “Why had I got to have these big boobs and a corset and she hasn’t?” Sandra told him that it wasn’t healthy to crush Janet’s natural tits. Her natural body shape should she didn’t need much to hold up the stockings. “I suppose we could get you breast implants and hormone tablets so you have large tits of your own Joanne”
“You called me Joanne. That’s not my name” “While you were in the bathroom, the three of us discussed that we couldn’t call you by a man’s name, could we? That would look odd and let people know you are a man” Joe thought “What people would see me” but said nothing. Joe was given a full petticoat which he slipped on. Then came the uniform, he stepped into it and did the zip up. Janet was already dressed and had her apron tied on and her cap on her head. She was also in the low-heeled shoes. Janet tied the apron behind Joe’s back with a large bow.
Rosie brushed his hair to a maid’s style. A ribbon held the bun in shape. Sandra and Rosie applied a little make up and clipped little pearl ear rings on his ears. Rosie then tied and clipped the maid’s cap to his head. “Oh wonderful. You really look the part Joanne” Joe blushed. All three women were enjoying his discomfort. “Walk about Joanne”, Sandra ordered. Joe liked the effects he was getting. The stockings sliding up and down his leg as he walked, the tickle of the petticoat on his kneecaps and the way the uniform hem lightly tapping his shins, reminded him he was in a dress.
He put the shoes on and gave everyone a twirl. “Right Joanne and Janet, this is how we expect to see you for the week. We want breakfast at six-thirty. Don’t be late or you will be punished”. With that Rosie scooped up their clothes and put them in a bag. “Where are you going with those?” Janet asked. “Maids don’t have posh clothes. All you need are in the wardrobe. Goodnight. See you at six thirty in the morning then, you had better learn how to curtsy Joanne. We want one every time we call you and you have to speak.” Sandra said, continuing, “Don’t be late”. Her and Rosie left.
Joe and Janet looked at each other. “Now what?” he asked. The place was a mess. “We can practice your curtsey and then clear up by making the bed for a start” Janet told him. By the time they were finished, it was midnight. They only had five hours to sleep. Joe decided to simply take off the dress and petticoat and sleep in the corset bra and stockings. At first, he found his new breasts were a nuisance but was too tired to take out the inserts.
Janet was wearing a cotton nightdress. She moaned as Joe’s breasts stuck in her back. They both turned over and Janet found herself cupping Joes tits. It felt strange but somehow, she was attracted to them. She wouldn’t do it to a woman, but this was different somehow. Next morning, she told Joe how lovely it felt fondling his tits. “I wonder if I would feel the same if we got you breast implants?” Joe laughed as he stepped into the maid’s dress once more. Janet showered, while Joe made coffee and cereals for them both. They quickly had breakfast, finished off by putting on their aprons and caps. Janet said she loved tying Joe into his apron and fixing the cap. They grabbed their keys ad headed for their house.
The wind hit Joe’s legs an made his dress flutter slightly. He moaned and Janet told him “Girls had to always put up with it, so shut up and concentrate on doing your work properly or we will be punished”. Joe never realised what he was doing but before getting to his house, he was running his hands over the breast part of his apron feeling his false tits, then brushing the stiffly starched skirt part of the apron. Janet noticed all of this but said nothing. She found it amusing. Joe never saw her grinning at him.
It seemed strange entering their own house as maids. Joe lit the fire in the lounge while Janet started breakfast. She found a lost of what Sandra and Rosie wanted for breakfast. It would take the two of them to take everything into the dining room. Once Joe had the fire going, his instructions were to fill the bath with hot water ready for their mistresses to step into.
The baths filled; he went to knock for his mistresses. It was six A.M. He knocked on the door and heard them call “Enter”. Joe entered the room and found them in bed together. “Yes, Joanne, you want something?” Rosie asked. Joe gave a deep curtsy which amused the girls. “Your baths are ready madam” he replied, curtsying again. “That will be all Joanne, thank you” Joe gave another curtsy and left them to get up. At six thirty precisely Sandra and Rosie strolled into the dining room still in their fleecy warm dressing gown. Of course, they really belonged to Janet.
Joe and Janet stood to attention as they entered the room. Joe and Janet both curtsied which amused the real maids. Sandra and Rosie ate their breakfasts and retired to get dressed. Joe and Janet cleared up and washed up their breakfast things. Janet noticed Joe stroking his apron again. “You love that apron don’t you Joanne” Joe responded he couldn’t help it. He felt clean and tidy in it and he was getting an erection which didn’t help much. He said he was worried about it showing. Janet said when they got a moment, they would sort that problem out.
However, they were kept on the go all day. The rest of the week was the same. Joe had to scrub and polish the toilet and bathroom, scrub the kitchen floor, clean the windows, which worried him that although they had a eight foot wall all around their property, anyone on the top deck of a bus would get a good view of him.
Every day Joe kept moaning his cock was doing a thing of its own and getting stiff. “You must love that outfit. Should keep you in it” Joe laughed. That night, Janet used depilatory cream on Joe’s arms and legs and his cock and balls. When she had removed the hair, she washed him down once more before masturbating him. Once he was flaccid, she taped his cock down with duct tape between his legs. “Now you will have to sit like a real maid. Naughty cock” Joe said at least his stiff cock wouldn’t be seen by anyone and earn them a punishment.
By the end of the week, they had literally scrubbed the house clean. Joe was glad when it was over. Sandra asked if they enjoyed it. Joe said that while it was hard work, he enjoyed it for the most, but could not get over just how much a maid has to do. Janet went to playfully spank him but the corset stopped most of the impact. “I love you in this outfit, maybe next week, you can wear it for me” Joe replied that wearing for this week for a purpose, let alone wearing it in my own time”
That Sunday even Janet said it was nice to get back into lovely clothes once more. That sat down and had a dinner with Sandra and Rosie, drank a toast and listened to what the other parties had said. Joe said that women look lovely in maid’s uniforms. But he admitted it shook him how much work a maid has to do to keep the place tidy. Sandra and Rosie both said he could always join them. “No thanks. I needed to have a pee and it was a curse finding it thanks to the corset and bloomers”. All three women laughed.
“Don’t forget you have a week and then it’s back to being a maid once more” Sandra told him. She was grinning. What did she have up her sleeve?
To be continued?
Joe and Janet.
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