The Wanderers chapter 2

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The Wanderers chapter 2

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All the rest of the night, while Wilhemena slept, Jo and Hailey tried to escape the sacks. The way that Wilhelmena had tied the sacks up, turned the tops back down on themselves and winding gaffer tape around it made sure that there was no chance of escape.

Wilhelmina made two small holes in the sacks and passed a tube through so the girls could get a drink of water from a bottle. “Good morning girls. I hope you slept during the night”. She tied a sheet down covering the two sacks and drove off with the two girls still struggling.

The truck moved for a few minutes then stopped. Wilhelmena had got out to through their clothes into the swamp. Jo tried to count to work out how long before the truck turned. The first twenty minutes had the truck bouncing along and unmade road. However, Jo lost count. The journey suddenly went smooth so they worked out they were on a proper road. Cars were passing them but they could not see them, only hear them as they zoomed past. The girls need to urinate, but they had no way to get the drivers attention. They had no option other than to do it in their sacks. They felt dirty and denigrated. The truck went on for hours. They had no idea where they were.

Eventually the truck stopped. The girls didn’t have any watches, Wilhelmina had taken them with their clothes and thrown their clothes with their back packs into a swamp. The watches went into another swamp.
The bags were dragged off of the truck and thrown into a boat. “Oh God, we are being sold abroad” they shouted to each other. The water was rather rough and the boat was tossed about. They both realised it had to be a small boat.

They had been at sea for a while, not knowing if they were heading north or south. They just needed to freshen up. An hour later they were put ashore, still in their bags. They heard the boat go off. The bags were untied and the girls blinked as the light hit them. They shivered as the cold air hit them. Instinctively they covered their breasts up. They were grabbed by four rubber clad nurses and marched towards a huge house. A man wearing nothing but a very short white skirt and a thong, picked up the sacks and followed them. He was told to wash the sacks.

The two girls were taken to a large impressive house. They were told to have a bath and clean themselves up. The pair of them washed everywhere and soaked in the baths while the water cooled down. “Come on, time you got out of the baths. You have to see Madam today not next week” they were told. They dried themselves noticed there weren’t any clothes about so wrapped the towels around themselves. “Who told you to cover yourselves up?” and the towels were ripped away from them.

Naked they were escorted to the kitchen where more men wearing just a short skirt and a thong were working. Jo was nervous. Hailey was furious. “Don’t worry about them. All the men here have been castrated” they were told. That shocked the girls. “Oh, that’s horrible” Hailey said, Jo mumbled “Good” under her breath. The nurse went on to say that “it lets them wear satin panties and thongs without that unsightly bulge”. The two girls were given a drink and something to eat, then were dragged into a large room. “Kneel down”, the two did as they were told.

A door opened and Wilhelmena entered the room. “Rise” The pair stood up. “Hello ladies. I heard your replies when you were told that the men had been castrated. That has made me decide what I am going to with you both. Jo, you will be going into my kennels. You will be my pet dog. Hailey, you are going into my stables and will pull me about the estate and take me into town. Don’t think you will ever have sex with a man. They are all convicted criminals. They raped women and that is their punishment. They have said goodbye to being men. The nuns you will meet have been treated the same as well. The only difference is that these men only attacked women with large breasts to they have had breast inserts put into them so they can suffer the weight of double D breasts. Instead of nice satin panties, they get bloomers instead” Wilhelmena told them.

“What have we done to deserve this?” Jo asked. “Nothing, but I liked the look of the pair of you so decided I need pets. You two are perfect.” they were told. The two girls moaned at being told they would be split up. Wilhelmena said that Jo would have had a nice comfortable life, even being allowed to sleep on Wilhelmena’s bed. “Now for the insolence you will join Hailey in the stable” The pair were led away and put in separate bays in the stable. “Tomorrow, you begin your training to be ponies” they were told “Sleep well”.

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