The Wanderers chapter 3

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The Wanderers chapter 3

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Jo and Hailey settled down on the straw that lined the stalls they were in. The doors were locked from the outside. The pair found the straw rather uncomfortable. It wasn’t thick enough really. They did fall asleep eventually.

Before they knew it, “Rise and shine. Time to get started” a woman in jodhpurs and leather boots with a starched white blouse shouted at them. Four men came and dragged them out of their stalls. They were handed to the two rubber nurses who washed then down and brushed their hair. The trainer stood there with her arms folded. Once the girls were finished with, they were given a drink and food.

The trainer had their tackle ready and the girls were forced to sit. They had a leather bikini given to them. They put them on. The next item was thigh length boots that laced up all the way. The feet ended in what looked like horses’ hooves and forced them to walk on tip toe. Their arms had elbow length gloves that laced tight. They too looked like horse hooves.

They went to protest so had bits shoved in their mouths. Straps went around their heads holding them in. Blinkers were attached so they could not see to either side. Reins were attached and the girls were pulled out of the stable and led to a wooden beam.

Jo was attached to one end of it via the reins and Hailey the other way but facing in the opposite direction. A harness was fastened around their waists and attached to the beam. They had to turn their heads to see the other who was in the same position as herself. That was the last view of each other as a neck brace was added to stop them turning their heads.

The beam was balanced in the middle and the pair were to soon to find out why. “Start walking, I want high steps as you do it. Let’s see those legs go up as high as you can. Your foot should touch your thigh. I want to see clean prancing. If either of you do not do it properly, the other gets punished as well, so both do steps nicely. If you don’t, you will be dragged round” the instructor screamed at them.

The girls never moved. “If that is the way you want it, then so be it” She turned a switch and a motor started up. Slowly but surely the girls were pulled round. “I’ll leave you here for a few hours. Enjoy yourselves. It gets faster as time goes by. In an hour you will be galloping unless I see you stepping out correctly”

She went and sat down on a bench. Wilhelmena joined her. The pair watched as slowly the beam started to turn. They laughed as the girls hopelessly tried to stop the beam from turning. Five minutes went by. “Their feet will be hurting by now in those boots. I’d say ten minutes and they will be stepping as you like Wilhelmena”. She replied she thought they would give up after five more minutes.

They were surprised at the determination of the girls not to give in, but after fifteen minutes they were stepping really high. Wilhelmena was delighted. All each girl could see was the same view time after time as they went round. They were going quite fast by now. “That’s enough. You are performing quite well”. The instructor said as she switched off the machine.

They were taken back to the stables where they were stripped once more. The girls’ feet were killing them. “Don’t worry, you will get used to it” a voice said as Hailey rubbed Jo’s feet for her.

Two more girls came into view. They all introduced themselves. “My name is Trish, but known as Goldie here” “Mandy or known as Star by these people. They try to make us forget our real names”

Jo massaged Hailey’s feet. Mandy explained they had been there for months. “We take the mistress to town now and then. We have no idea how to get there as we are blindfolded. She did tell us that they had lost some girls in the swamps. Nobody knows we are here. They think we are dead, lost in a swamp” Mandy and Trish had fallen for the same tricks as Jo and Hailey.

A week later after Jo and Hailey had got used to the pony boots, they were told the four girls would be taking Wilhelmena to town to get some provisions. Again, the leather bikini went on, only this time there was a horses’ tail sewn onto the tiny briefs.

At least they would see the town and maybe work out where they were. The four girls, now in their pony boots and gloves were led out to the yard where they saw a four wheeled rubber tyred cart with two shafts waiting for them.
Jo and Hailey were joined by a bar across their backs. Trish and Mandy had the same treatment. Side by side they were led to the shafts and backed in, Jo and Hailey being nearer to the cart. The bar across their back was attached to the shafts. Trish and Mandy were backed in in front of them. They would lead.

The two girls watched as fake horses’ heads were put on Trish and Mandy. The bits were put in their mouths. The two girls thought the heads must have cost a fortune. They looked realistic. When they saw the next pair of heads coming their way, they tried to resist and felt a horse whip on their bum cheeks. It hurt and they jumped and screamed.

The bits went into their mouths and the heads went over their own heads. They felt it being fastened and the bits being pulled through the latex. The reins were attached. Jo and Hailey had a problem. They couldn’t see where they were going. “When I pull to the right, you will go to the right. When I pull to the left, you will do it. To stop, I will pull on both reins. Now I want you all to give me a nice prancing style or else” Wilhemena shouted at them.

Away they went down the hard surfaced road. All Jo and Hailey could hear was the clip clop as four human horses pranced along the road. They had no idea how far they would have to go or how long it would take but both the girls thought they would try to remember if they turned right or left. Wilhelmena watched as the tails on the girls bikinis swished from side to side.

They had gone a distance when they stopped. “Sorry ponies. I’m just paying respect to the girls I lost in the swamp”. They moved on and before long was stopped and the masks were removed. “Now you can see the village when we get round the next bend”.

They rolled into town and Wilhelmena hitched them to a post. She went into the shop and had a cup of coffee and a biscuit with the owner while her order was made up. Outside, a crowd had gathered. Jo and Hailey both thought this was their chance to get help. They tried pleading with the bits in their mouths but all that happened was the villagers started to stroke them and telling them what a lovely. pair of horses they were. Instead of rescuing them, they were making a fuss of them.

All they could do was stand there and take it. They were being treated like real horses and not human. “What is wrong with these idiots" Jo thought. Wilhemena was looking out of the window and laughing.

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