Revenge is best served cold

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Revenge is best served cold

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It is all his own fault. John Smith. He was the curse to us girls at school. There were twelve of us who loved playing netball. John used to hang around and letch at us while we were practicing. It was unnerving to say the least. We always said we would get even one day and turn the tables on him.

Sadly, that was six years ago and now we are all around twenty-two now and are still friends and play netball quite regularly. We had given up on getting even. No one had seen him since we left. John was a weekly looking boy who was creepy as hell. Tall and skinny with it. Not one girl wanted anything to do with him. Not because of his size, although most wanted someone strong to take her, but it was his leering at them that gave them the creeps.

We knew he would take every opportunity to take a peek at our knickers if we were not careful and he managed to snap the knicker elastic on their legs a few times. We realised he loved the look of the tight schoolgirl knickers we used to wear. But thought since he left school, he must miss those lovely views to him. We found out he took up jogging more than likely so he could see the girls in their shorts and pony tail hair waving side to side.

Karma was helped by one day, two of my friends, Sue and Jenny, were out jogging in Porter’s Woods. There is a defined one-mile circuit they loved as it kept them away from the traffic. They were happily jogging in their tight shorts, (Those pair did love teasing men) when they saw him come the other way. Sue wasn’t sure until about ten minutes later, she looked back and there he was, following them. He was wearing short athletic shorts as well, unusual clothing for joggers. He is still as skinny as ever.

That weekend we all met in the bar where Sue and Jenny told us of their encounter with John. Without hesitation, we decided it was time for revenge. Each person put their idea down on paper and we took a vote on it.

There were suggestions of stripping him and leaving him tied naked to a tree. Some said smother him with honey, one said stick him in a hobble skirt, another in a sack tied at the neck. He had to be naked of course. Sue said she still had her old games kit, why not put him in that? That was agreed along with leaving him tied to a tree. Jenny said she could get all the rope we needed as she worked in a builder’s merchants. That was agreed but how to leave him had to be worked out.

One by one, all my friends said they still had their old P.E. kit. They didn’t like it any more, but their boyfriends were certainly aroused by it. Navy blue kilt type skirt and cotton knickers. White vest as well. Jenny said it would be great to put him in a black bra with huge breast forms. “Everyone will see the bra through the vest and we can snap it on his back like he used to do to us” she said laughingly. That was soon agreed. How to tie him caused a bit of friction, in the end it was settled when I made a suggestion and they wanted to see how I meant.

I told them to come to my house on Sunday week where I would have a barbecue.
When they got there, I was in my navy-blue P.E skirt and knickers, black bra, white vest. With ankle socks, and trainers. I lit the barbecue knowing it would be some time before the charcoal fire was ready.

I gave them all a drink and got all my ropes ready. I showed them this gag that held my mouth open. I still couldn’t talk properly. Sue asked about flies getting into the mouth. I showed her a pair of my one hundred denier black tights.

I had been busy buying stuff. I had some cable ties and large U-shaped tent pegs. I had heated them up and opened them out to fit over my feet. They were banged into the ground far enough apart to hold my legs open.

Sue tied my hands just far enough apart do my hands were under my breasts. Jenny tied my elbows behind my back. This forced my breasts out and showed I was indeed wearing a black bra. A rope went from one side of my pergola to the other between my two elbows and my back.

I put my feet into the two U pegs and Jenny took the cable ties and threaded it from one side of the peg, behind my feet and she pulled them tight. I couldn’t move. Sue put the gag in my mouth and the tights over my head. One leg was tied around my head over my eyes and the other around my neck to stop the tights coming off. I was speechless by now and immobile.
All the girls said it was a great way to leave John where he could be found. I tried to ask them to release me. All they said was that no one could understand me and presumed I wanted to stay like this.

Yes, I was getting damp, but there was no way I was going to cum, even when they snapped the elastic on the legs or stroked my bum. They left me there for hours, ignoring me. “I think we should have our barbecue and leave her there all night” Sue said. The others laughed. I thought she was serious and began to panic. I had to go to work the next day. They did release me on condition I stayed in my kit for the rest of the day. I did as they asked but for the first time, I felt sexy in it.

The date was set. We all had to wear our tightest shorts and vests. Sue, Jenny and I would be there early, to plot where we would hide our stash of items, then we would wait for the others by the start of the jogging course. Four would then go ahead. Me, Sue and Jenny plus one other. Hopefully, John would follow us and not realise there were eight more coming along behind.

With the stash hidden in the bushes we walked back to the start. We could see the other girls in the distance and waved. The other eight said they would hide until they saw John go past. Away us four went, and sure enough John came into view from another direction. Would the girls see him?

We trotted a bit faster and he stayed about twenty yards behind us watching our bums. Happily, the girls we left behind had spotted him and were trotting along three hundred yards behind. Our signal to them was for all four of us to stop. When we got to where the stash was hidden, we stopped and turned. John stopped dead in his tracks. The eight coming up behind him didn’t stop and soon grabbed hold of him. He tried fighting, but with us twelve fit girls holding him, he never had a chance.

Sue cleave gagged him so he couldn’t shout for help. I said we had better get started. He was held down in a clearing behind the bushes. Hailey took off his trainers and socks. Sally pulled down his shorts. He was wearing a jock strap. That made us laugh. It wasn’t on him for long. With his arms held above his head John was helpless as his vest was removed. Jenny and another girl sat on his legs.

I opened the bag and got out the navy-blue school knickers. “These should look nice on you” I told him. John struggled as Hailey pulled the knickers up his legs and let the elastic snap on his stomach. I said “it would be better if his dick was pointing up to his chin”. Without hesitation Hailey slipped her hands inside the knickers and pulled his dick upwards. “You little slut Hailey” Jenny said. Hailey laughed, “I’m certain you have handled a few cocks in your time Jenny”

John blushed. They were talking as if he wasn’t there. Sue and me lifted his torso into a sitting position Jenny slipped his arms into the black sports bra and pulled it down over his head. Hailey sprayed the breasts forms with carpet glue. We waited a few moments and slipped the breast forms into the cups. Then we slipped the white vest over the top of his head and forced his arms through the armholes. John struggled and it took us all our strength to get it on him. It was tight on him and showed his newly gained tits and the black bra nicely.
A couple of girls put the white frilly laced ankle length socks and his trainers back on his feet. Now we were ready. The gag was replaced with the open mouth one. My black tights were pulled over his head and tied around his eyes. Hailey surprised us “My old swimming cap” and she fitted it on him holding the tights in place.

We frog marched him to a clearing. Jenny tied his hands in front of him while Sue tied his elbows behind his back. His hands jus reached the side if his tits. Perfect. Hailey and me hammered the tent staples into the ground and the girls shoved his feet into them. He was standing with his feet two feet apart. Sue put the cable ties on the staples which held his feet firmly. Jenny threw a rope over a branch on a nearby tree and tie it tightly. Pulling it tight she tied it to the rope holding his elbows. Then it went up to a branch on another three and was pulled tight. John was stuck then. He couldn’t move.

It was our turn now. We kept lifting his skirt and the back, “Lovely knickers John” “They suit you” “You sexy thing” “You little prick teaser. Who knows how lucky you might get” “That is a lovely pair of breasts you have there, young lady” wolf whistles and cat calling.
The girls kept opening the kilt type skirt at the front to look at his knickers. Some loved rubbing his bum which made his erection obvious even against the thick cotton of the knickers. Hailey was rubbing his cock and balls through the knickers.

We could sense he wasn’t far off coming so they had to stop. I knew he would be as frustrated as hell by now. I snapped the bra through his vest. He flinched which caused us all to laugh. “Now you know what it feels like. Get used to it as it will happen a lot more times yet” I told him. All the girls took turns in doing it. By the time they had finished, he was sore.

Sue and Jenny went off jogging while we stayed and teased him. A little while later Sue and Jenny came back and said they had stumbled across a group of girls out camping. They warned them about John, what he had done and why he was there like that, but they insisted in knowing where to find him. So, they told them.

It was time for us to leave. Hailey massaged his balls once more. “I love this. I’m going to make my boyfriend wear this outfit. It’s making me randy” she said. “Have fun John. I’m sure those girls will make your life hell” I told him. We went to the café and had some nice cold drinks.

In the distance, we could see the girls from that camp site, dragging John, still tied up, but the rope from his hands. Poor John, what will they do to him? We weren’t bothered, nor did we care. All in all, it was a fun day. “We must do this again some time” Sue said. We all laughed and agreed to meet at the bar the next day.

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