Janet and Joe. The future looks bright.

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Janet and Joe. The future looks bright.

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Magdelena called Sandra and Rosie, Janet and Joanne (Joe) into the lounge “Sleep”. The four went into a trance. “The marquee is here; I think you should all wear those natty little dirndl outfits for the week to get used to them. Joanne, your blouse will be a little higher for obvious reasons. But you should glue your fake breasts on. I will give you sone surgical adhesive they use for women who have had a mastectomy. I suggest that although these fake breasts look real, and they cost a fortune, you could put face powder on them to merge them into your body better. I’m glad you had your ears pierced when you did. The four of you look beautiful with your matching little pearl earrings. On Saturday the four of you will be busy from seven in the morning, setting out all the tables in the marquee. At noon, you will start setting out dishes for the food. At one, you can start putting out the hors d'oeuvres. Sandra, you will offer all guests a canape as they arrive. Rosie, you will go round with mint chocolates to freshen their mouths. Janet and Joanne, you will offer the guests champagne and other drinks. Once that is done, the four of you will stand to attention until someone grabs your attention or you see they have an empty glass or dish in their hands. Don’t forget to thank them and curtsey. Finally, remember to wiggle your bums a lot to flash off those frilly panties. The guests will love it. I am also having some furniture delivered. They are only footstools so won’t be heavy. There will be fresh outfits for Saturday. You will put them in the lounge. I need them for the following day for me and three of my friends. Now get changed and put the marquee up. Wake up”

The four came out of their trances, went and got changed from the French Maids to the ultra-short dirndl outfits. Joe was tickled at how the petticoats showed even as they walked. The skirts were that short. “God knows what they will see when I bend over” he said. “Let’s have a look” Janet replied. His frilly panties just peeped but as they were white and frilly too, they didn’t stand out too much from the petticoats. Janet gave him a playful smack on his bum. Janet turned her cack to him and bent over. Joe’s cock started to swell. Janet wiggled her bum and backed up to him. This felt lovely to Joe. “We can’t have this happen at the party. I’ll have to lock you in that chastity tube once more”. Joe agreed.
The four Bavarian maids in their sexy outfits put the marquee up. It was a good job they couldn’t have known what was in store. The marquee went up, but for a while, traffic came to a stand so people on the top deck of the bus must have wondered what was going on with these short-skirted girls all showing their petticoats and panties off like they were.

The foot stalls turned up and Joe was aware that the delivery men were ogling his bum as he showed them the way. If only they knew. Their eyes were darting everywhere looking at all these beauties, their ultra short skirts allowing the petticoats to bob up and down as they walk, giving them a good display to look at. He knew something was wrong, but couldn’t figure it out. The footstalls were put in the lounge. They were padded and looked comfortable enough to sit on, although they did seem a bit wide for footstalls. The delivery men hung around long after they had put the stalls in place. The girls were making sure they were bending over for the slightest reason letting them see their frilly panties as well. Eventually, Janet had to tell them to leave.
The party was a great success and there were quite a few celebrities there. Joe felt quite a few pats on his bum as did the girls. They all had their bums pinched. Joe thought “if only they knew” about him. Everyone went home happy. But it took a long time to clean up. Most of it was done the next day. They were ordered to wear the outfits once more. Dinner was delivered so that saved them a lot of time. Once the dishes were washed up and put away, they four of them were ordered for kneel over the footstalls.
Joe was ordered to strap Janet's thighs to the legs of the footstall and her wrists to the other two legs. He put a collar on her and with a clip-on strap fastened it to the front legs and then back to the collar and adjusting it so she could not raise her head. Finally, he had to put a strap right around her and the footstall. Now she could not raise herself off of the footstall at all.

Sandra did the same to Rosie and Joe strapped her down as well. Magdelena fished it off by strapping Joe down. “When I tell you, you will wake up and realise the position you are in. You will be able to talk for a minute and then all you will be able to say is thank you for what you are doing to me mistress or sir, depending on who you get. You will be fully aware of what is happening and as you get touched will wriggle your bums to make your betters happier. Wake up”

For one minute exactly the four screamed and shouted and then found all they could say was “Thank you for what you are doing to me mistress” They looked at each other two facing the other pair. An hour later, Magdelena brought a trolley with some drinks on them. A little later she went and returned with her guests. The three guests were surprised to see what they did, all their panties and petticoats fully exposed. “Don’t worry about them. They love it. Take your weight off of your feet and rest them under the petticoats and on the panties. I’ll take Joanne. Decide what one you want”.

Each of the women couldn’t resist giving their victim a playful spank. They were surprised to hear “Thank you mistress for what you are doing to me” They heard it again when they rested their feet on their bums, and again when they run their stockinged feet up and down.

One of the women said it was lovely. Her feet were nice and warm thanks to the warm bum, frilly panties and petticoats. She asked if they could borrow them at some time. All the time they wriggled their toes, Joe and the three women and Joe moved their hips as much as they could and thanked the four mistresses.

Another woman asked Magdelena why she picked Joe. The three women couldn’t believe Joanne was a man. Magdelena tod them to feel under his panties. They were shocked when they felt the chastity tube and lock. One said, “My gay friend would love to see this. Can I take Joe home for him?” Magdelena said “maybe another time, but not just now”.

The evening wore on and eventually came to an end. The guests left. Magdelena said “Perhaps I should leave you all here for the night. Not really” she laughed. “I need my pretty maids in the morning. When I touch you and tell you to wake up, you will all be asked a question. Should Joanne have breast implants. You three women will vote yes. Joanne, you will be horrified at the thought” One by one, Magdelena went around touching the women “Wake up” asked the question and then woke Joe.
“Ladies, to allow Joanne to have a lower cut blouse, should we send her for large breast implants?” All the women voted yes; Joe was shouting no. Magdelena wet to bed listening to them trying to convince Joe to have it done.

The next day Magdelena got a phone call so had to leave. “When I say wake up, you will return to your normal selves. Wake up” Joe and the three women looked at each other. What are they doing in those outfits. Eventually they retired that night into their rightful places. Laying in bed, Joe said “Thank heavens that is over” Janet replied, “Joe, you looked lovely in that short skirt. How about keeping it up. For me. Please”

Joe answered, “to be honest, I must admit, I did like the outfit, the way the petticoats tickled my thighs, but it looked much better on you” Janet said she would ask Sandra and Rosie if they would wear them and between the four of them can be sexy maids. “But you would have to as well” She unlocked the chastity cage on Joe and they went hard at it for some time. When they fell asleep Joe dreamed of being forced to wear the short outfits and realised it made easy access for Janet…His fate was sealed.

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