Janet – wife
Joe – Husband
Sarah – Friend of Janet
Sylvia – Joes boss. (works with 20 women)
Charlotte -hotel manager
Mary – Joe’s bit on the side
Vicky Valient – Drag artist.
After a few drinks, Janet, Sarah and Sylvia went up to Sarah’s room where Sarah had put the three stethoscopes in so they could listen to the results. Slowly Joe woke up and stretched. He hadn’t opened his eyes yes and found a strange material where his trousers should be. He fully woke up with a start. He jumped off of the bed and looked in the full-length mirror. He had a huge pair of tits that weighed quite a bit. What the hell happened? He saw the note from Janet. Then he saw the photos laying on the side. Joe read the note and saw Janet had left and taken everything. Here he was stuck, and dressed as a woman. No money, no cards, no phone. How would he get home. He couldn’t even leave his room. To give him thinking time, Joe put the “Do not disturb” sign on the door.
In the next room, Janet, Sarah and Sylvia were having fits of laughter listening to his shouting. Charlotte joined them with a glass which she put against the wall. A few minutes later there was another knock. It was a maid from the hotel. She had found the old uniforms and thought she would bring them up. They were black knee length dresses with a white collar and cuffs. There were seven dresses from size fourteen to size twenty-six. There were stiffly starched aprons to match as well. “We have a whole store of these but they make the girls feel uncomfortable so we changed them for our modern leggings and tunics. There is at least six in each size. We give them to the drag artists if they want them. Sometimes we have the stay as maids. It gives my girls a rest and a jolly well-earned laugh”
After listening to the shouts, screams and sobbing for ten minutes, Charlotte and some of the girls went in to see what was wrong. “We thought you were in trouble miss” they said. Joe screamed back. “Trouble, trouble. What do you think this is? My clothes and money all gone and I have to get home somehow” “Oh dear, so how are you going to pay for the room?” Charlotte asked. “You mean to say Janet never paid?” “Janet? Who is Janet? You came alone dressed like that” Charlotte replied. “Don’t be silly. How can I get home dressed like this?”
Charlotte pondered, “Well, we are short staffed so you could work your bill off” Joe thought about it. “Will I have enough to buy clothes?” “If you make any mistakes or are not concentrated enough, I will have to fine you” Joe agreed. He couldn’t go home dressed like a prostitute. Charlotte told him to try all the uniforms to see which one fitted best.
“You will need bloomers more stockings and a couple of petticoats then” “How long do you think I will be here?” “Oh, I don’t know. Normal price is one hundred and ten pounds a night. Because of this arrangement, I have to charge double. Two hundred and twenty pounds a night. Don’t forget, if you slack, I will have to fine you a day’s pay”
In the room next door, Janet, Sarah and Sylvia had been joined by Vicky Valient. They told him what was going on. He laughed. “Tell you what, if she can get him down to the dining room, I’ll get the rest of my drag mates to join him there”. The three women laughed. “Done” Janet said and Vicky went off laughing.
Sylvia left Sarah’s room. Joe did as well but soon returned and asked if he would be okay if he went down to have some dinner. “It’s a private function. No one will notice you. It’s a crossdressers convention” Joe was hungry and decided to go. He tottered down the corridor on those ridiculously high heels. When he walked into the dining room, he saw all the drag artists there. “Come in and join us” they called and soon Joe was chatting to them like old friends. They gave him hints on makeup, how to talk and walk like a woman.
Joe didn’t want to know, but he didn’t want to upset them. They asked how come he was dressed like he was if he wasn’t going to take part in the drag walk. He told them, but in fact Vicky had already told them and they knew the truth, but they didn’t let on to him. In the mean time, Janet, Sarah and Sylvia had gone out to see what was going on. It was already arranged for the to eat at a restaurant nearby. Charlotte had their telephone numbers in case they are needed or something happened.
They were back in Sarah’s room by ten. Listening at the wall with the stethoscopes, they heard Charlotte tell Joe that his uniforms are here. She had to use glue dissolver to get rid of the hoop earrings, the necklace, bracelets and the rings. Joe asked her to unstick his eyebrows and eyelashes, but Charlotte convinced him he would look like a man in a dress. At least it would help with the semblance of him being a woman. Joe coughed, “Hm, could I borrow that stuff?” Charlotte asked why he needed it. “Um, well, well, er, er, it’s embarrassing. They have glued a certain part of my anatomy down between my legs. I can’t pee properly” Charlotte looked him straight in the eye. “I’m afraid I only have a little drop and I need that. It’s not enough to free that if they have glued it completely. I can get some more on line, but it takes three days. That would allow you to work off the bill. As for peeing. You will have to sit like a girl, won’t you”. Joe was at a loss for words. She would not help him. The huge breasts were pushing the dress out way in front of his chest. He felt ridiculous and looked it. He would have loved to have seen a girl dressed like this, but this is him in the dress. He learnt how a girl with huge breasts feels.
The three women in the room next door were laughing when they heard Charlotte tell him she has got bloomers for hm and a couple of full-length petticoats. He shouted,” What do I need them for?” Quietly Charlotte said he didn’t want to wear the same panties every day and the petticoats will make the dress hang properly. He looked at the one-inch heeled shoes and thought they would be more comfortable than those six in monsters. “I want my maids to be immaculately dressed or they get fined. You will be examined to make sure you are wearing them all. At least you don’t have to worry about the stockings being straight. These are seamless” she told him.
Joe asked her to use the dissolvent to get rid of the heavy breast forms. Charlotte said the dress would not hang right. “As for the pinny, I’m sure the girls will love to tie it with a nice bow behind your back for you. You owe me two days rent to start with, so you start at six in the morning. If you are late, you get fined a day’s pay. Report to the maid’s room at the back of the hotel” “Maid’s room?” “Ask one of the girls to show you where it is. As the new maid you are answerable to each of them. You address them as miss, me you call mistress, and you curtsy to all of them. Miss one time and you will be fined a day’s wages. From now on, you are Joan. We can’t call you by your man’s name can we! I’ll get you a name badge” From her bag she got some magnetic fake diamond earrings and superglued them to his ears. “That is better, you are looking like a real maid now”. At least the earrings didn’t hit him like the large hoops did.
By now, Janet, Sarah and Sylvia were sitting on the bed shaking with laughter. Knowing Joe would not come out, they went down to the bar. Charlotte joined them, so did one of the maids. Charlotte explained to her that Joan has to call them miss and curtsy every time she is spoken to. The maid said she would tell the others and they had to make sure they had their telephones with them for the photographs.
“Those tits must weigh a ton” Sylvia said. Janet said she had weighed them and they came to just under six pounds. They should also make it difficult for him to see where his feet are, let alone something else below” They nearly gave the game away with their laughter. Janet said she almost felt sorry for Joe, but he deserved it. The other three shook their heads. After a few drinks they retired to their rooms. Janet went to bed feeling satisfied sharing the room with Sarah. The maid had agreed to give Joe’s, Sarah’s and Sylvia’s room for him to clean. They were to report any slacking. The girls showed him to their locker room.
Once back in the maid’s locker room he was told Sarah’s and Sylvia’s room was to be cleaned before he started on his own. He did moan that normally maids work one room after another. “You are moaning Joan. You also didn’t say thank you miss or curtsy. That’s another three demerit points” the maid said angrily. Joe grovelled to her not to report it. “No good you trying to get out of it. That’s another demerit” All the other maids were grinning. This was better than any show they could go and see. So far Joe had lost four days pay. Joe went back to his bed. It was late. Very late.
The next morning, Joe hadn’t bother to wash all they eye makeup off. He was told, maids do not wear eye shadow or mascara. They sat watching Joe washing everything off and then doing his best to apply face powder and rouge. “That is too thick. You only need a light dusting, and no rouge” “Why didn’t you tell me before I put it all on” The girls watched him wash it all off before watching him reapply the face powder once more. “That’s better. Now you are nearly becoming a real girl Joan” he was told. All this was being filmed by the maids as he did it.
Joe had been working hard since six. His first job was to clean the maid’s room. He forgot to say yes miss and curtsy. That gave him two demerits so he would lose another two day’s pay. By the time he was finished, the room was spotless, but Joe was disheveled. Another day’s pay lost. At this rate, he would never be able to go home. He was ordered to clean Sarah’s room and then Sylvia’s. He could do his at the end, but he would be moving to the basement rooms. This time he remembered the “yes miss” and to curtsy. He was learning. He hated being bossed by all the other maids, but that was his punishment. Having to say “Yes miss, thank you miss” and curtsying to other staff he found demeaning. All the maids were loving the power it was giving them.
Just when Joe thought it was time to pack up, Charlotte told him he was needed in the dining room to serve. “Put a new uniform on and a pinny. That is another day’s demerit for slovenly appearance” Joe got changed. One of the maids tied the apron around his waist. Je was beginning to think he would never get home.
Upon going to the dining room, he found all the drag artists there. None of them in drag. He was stunned. Vicky Valiant said “Don’t just stand there Joan. Start taking orders” Joe went to the first man and took his order. Vicky called him over again. “You are supposed to say thank you to the guests and curtsy. I shall have to report this” Joe was nearly in tears. Vicky went on talking, “Has it surprised you we are all straight. Everyone thinks we are gay. That is the wrong idea. Everyone does, but to us it’s a fun way to make a living. Now carry on taking the orders and don’t forget to thank the person and curtsy”
Joe carried on taking the orders. Vicky watched him keep curtsying. He was getting plenty of exercise. A few times, Joe found his bum slapped and got comments like “You don’t get many of those for a pound” and “Let’s have a feel” Joe was glad to finish and went up to his room. The phone rang. “I didn’t say you were done, but you might as well stay there. That’s another day demerit and I have been told of your lack of curtsying. I’ll total it up tomorrow” Joe was in tears. As he slipped his shoes off, he was glad of those one-inch heels. He realised although his legs were aching, it wasn’t that bad. “Heaven knows what it would be like being forced into those high heeled shoes for a day” he thought.
By the end of the next day, Joe had earned a total of fourteen demerits. That was fourteen days pay at two hundred and twenty pounds a day. Charlotte looked t him and said, “It looks like I have my sissy maid for a little longer doesn’t it, maybe permanently at this rate” Joe looked down and felt embarrassed. Charlotte went on, “Maybe, just maybe I could get more guests to come and get you new uniforms.” Joe asked what she was on about. “Well, coming up, we have the gay pride march. We put a lot of them up here. They are a funny bunch. A laugh a minute. Now how would you like to become a French maid? A little short dress showing lots of the frilly petticoat and panties. I’m sure they will love it. You will be fondled and have your bum patted, plus other things”
Joe gulped. “No way. I can’t do that”. Charlotte replied, “Oh come on Joan, In your six inch heels, everything will be revealed. Lots of frilly lace. You’ll love it” Charlotte left him in his room, but as she left, he asked if he could go home and send the money for the room back. Charlotte agreed. A few minutes later Joe heard a knock on the door and he thought it was Charlotte. He opened the door and Mary stood there; eyes wide in surprise, then entered the room. “If this is what you get up to when I am not around, forget it. I don’t like cross dressers. We are finished” she screamed and walked out, pulling the door so hard it slammed shut. Janet, Sarah and Sylvia were loving the lover’s tiff. “That gives me an idea girl. “Supposing I give her a new contract and made part of her job description to make sure his makeup was perfect. All you would have to do is send him to work in a dress or skirt and blouse” Janet agreed.
Joe and Charlotte had one final meal together. What Joe did not know was that Charlotte had sprinkled the crushed up sleeping pills into his drink again. He said he felt tired and went to bed. Charlotte gave him twenty minutes and told Janet, Sarah and Sylvia to go into his room. There they found the sleeping Joe once more. Quickly they got him into the same short skirt and sheer blouse once more. The diamond tings were removed and the hooped ones went back on with the necklace, bracelets and the rings and all wee superglued shut. They left him there and went down to have a drink.
In the morning Joe woke up and saw what he was wearing. He went after Charlotte. “Why am I in these clothes. The maid’s outfit is bad enough” Charlotte responded “You asked to go home. You never asked if you could borrow my maid’s uniform. I would say no anyway as I like to keep them here as a reminder”
Joe asked how he was supposed to get home with no money. “You could earn it like any working street girl does. I’m sure you will make a fortune. You had better leave not or I will call the police” Charlotte told him. Just was horrified. Just then Vicky Valiant and the real maids came out to wish him a goodbye.
Joe didn’t know what to do. The girls threw him put in the street. Everyone turned to look at the spectacle and laughed at him. Joe was busy cringing and hiding down back streets that he never saw Janet and Sarah drive by in their car, nor indeed Sylvia in hers.
Vicky Valient had followed Joe and saw that when he turned a corner, some man in a car had stopped and said “Hello darling. Fancy business?” He watched as Joe hit the man with his handbag and chuckled to himself. Vicky reported back to Charlotte who told all the staff and phoned Janet who picked it up on her hands-free phone. Her and Sarah were in fits of giggles. Sarah phoned Sylvia who burst out laughing. She said, “Blow you. That was a real good laugh. If anybody had seen me, they would have thought I had gone mad. I can’t wait to tell the girls at work and show them the photos.
Joe had found a place to hide up near some rubbish until it got dark. He had only gone three miles so have another fifty-seven to go. How would he do that. This holiday had turned out to be one hell of a nightmare.
The female of the species is deadlier than the male. part 2
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