George becomes Gorgie.

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George becomes Gorgie.

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Hello, my name is Marilyn. I would like to tell you how me and my friend Evangeline, (Eva for short) started out turning to crime and finishing up with the time of our lives and everyone happy. I will get the man involved to tell you how he felt about it afterwards.
It started out one Friday night, Eva and me got a little drunk and walking home saw this huge house. We were in luck as it had just started to rain. The house had a little porch over the door so at least we were out of the rain. Eva leant on the door and to our surprise it opened. They called out and had no answer so they carefully entered the house.

Closing the street door behind them, they heard a noise from upstairs. Slowly they made their way up the stairs and listened out for the noises. They found the room and opened the door. It was in darkness. Eva turned the light on and what we saw shook us. Spreadeagled on the super king-sized bed, was a man wearing stockings, a skirt and a sheer blouse. His legs spread wide and his hands cuffed together and to a hain to the headboard plus a key hanging down above his head. He was wearing a deprivation mask. “He won’t be able to see or hear us very well”, Eva said. I noticed the gag part was full of holes to allow him to breath but not talk.

I went over and removed the key realising that when he was fed up or satisfied, he could retrieve the key and release himself. “That will give him more enjoyment and excitement looking for the key” Eva laughed. We went downstairs to the kitchen and made a coffee. Sitting there talking about it, I said I felt an urge to ride him there and then. Eva agreed, “But he could have gone the whole hog and put some fake breasts on himself”. That caused me to burst out laughing. “Shh!” Eva said, “He might hear you. Perhaps you should be tied up next to him”

The thought of my writhing round trying to escape got me excited. I have never tried bondage, but have read many people enjoy it. Eva saw I was aroused and grinned at me. My mind was going nineteen to the dozen. The thought of being helpless and at someone’s mercy has triggered me off and I felt myself getting damp down below. Eva watched me closely., grinning from ear to ear. My thoughts were suddenly shaken when she said “We had better go and see what our slave is doing”

He was flailing about as much as his chained hands would let him, trying to find the key, which I had of course. Eva went around the bed. She indicated to me that I should do the same, so we were both beside him Before I knew it, her hand had slipped under his skirt and was stroking his thigh. I did the same. He let out a deep breath. He was enjoying our attention. My hand played with his petticoat and gradually I let my hand slip with up to his panties Stroking his thighs seemed to give him pleasure. His panties felt like soft satin, so I rubbed his balls and cock through the material. His cock was rigid.

Eva took the mask off of him and we both started to kiss his cheeks. He was stunned. Not a whimper came from hm. I asked him if he was loving this treatment. He nodded he did. I eased his panties down, slid under the skirt and petticoat and started licking the underside of his cock. Before long I had his cock in my mouth and was flicking the underside of his cock with my tongue. His cock was throbbing by now. He started bucking so I stopped. “Please, please finish it” he begged. I told him only if he agrees to our terms. He did, but I made sure he suffered another two hours of frustration before he was allowed to cum. He told us his name is George. He calls himself Georgie when dressed female.

Once I had cleaned up and returned to the lounge, I found Evan and him chatting. “Ah. You’re back. We can get started now.” She turned to the man and asked, “I don’t want any lies. Did you do this to yourself?” He blushed and nodded yes. “Do you like wearing women’s clothes?” Again, an affirmative nod. Eva looked at me. “I have an idea”, then she turned to the man once more. “We are looking for a room or two. You have lots of rooms. If you let us stay, we can dress you and tie you up as well. Think about it”. She took the key from me and released him. He said he was going to get changed. “Oh no you don’t. We like you like this”

The man gave us a sherry each and the three of us sat talking. “I’m the only one in a skirt” he said. “That’s how it should be. Men in skirts and women in whatever they like. It gives us easy access” I told him. He blushed. Eva went on, “We need to rent rooms. If you agree to letting us stay here, we can find outfits that would suit you, teach you how to walk and talk like a woman and more importantly, how to fix your makeup” We left him to think about it and removed all the chains from his bed.

When we got back, he told us he liked the idea. We had further plans for him than he suspected. We went back to our room at the hostel talking about him. Eva said we could have fun with this and I agreed. After a night’s sleep, we packed our stuff. It didn’t take long as we didn’t have much. When we went back to George’s house, Eva saw some people she knew. She introduced me. Sylvia and Jane. They are a couple. Sylvia is a beauty consultant and Jane does dressmaking. We had a cup of coffee in their house. I realised they are a fun loving really nice people. They don’t shove the fact they are lesbians in your face.

Between them they are quite wealthy. Sylvia said that we should call in tomorrow as they have the divorcee from the house the other side of George coming for a chin wag. “You will like her. She is a solicitor. She is very helpful and has got us out of scrapes several times. I make her dresses for her” Jane said. Eventually we told them that we were taking a room in George’s house. Sylvia thought that was dangerous until Eva told them what we found. They said they would like to see that. Sylvia laughed, “George, in a skirt. Wow”. We showed them the photographs. They were ecstatic. Eva told them what had been agreed. They giggled like a pair of school girls. Jane said she could make some lovely outfits for him. I looked at Eva. We hadn’t even got started with him and they were making plans already.

We left them and went to George’s and found our rooms. Both had double beds and built in wardrobes. George was in jeans and a T shirt. I thought that he should make the most of it as that will be among the last male outfit he would be wearing. I said I was disappointed. George asked why. “I was hoping to see you in your skirt once more” George said he didn’t do it all the time. Just when he was bored. I told him he looked great in a skirt. Eva agreed, “You have fabulous legs”. However, we left it at that.

Saturday evening, we sat talking and we convinced him to put the skirt and blouse on and we can have a girly talk. “Time to start your training Georgie” Eva told him. We spent all evening watching him stumble in four-inch heels. We also coached him on his mannerisms, like using his hands while talking. By the time the evening was over, he was swinging his hips and placing one foot slightly in front of the other as he walked, not over exaggeratingly like some crossdressers do. We said on Sunday, we would teach him about how to talk. “We can get a beautician in to teach you how to put on your makeup Georgie” George looked at us confused. “She will give you a better look. Better than we can. I can get her in tomorrow. Have you met your neighbours yet?”

George said he hadn’t. We said we would cook a dinner for us and his neighbours. George said he would iron a shirt. “Oh no you don’t. You will wear what you are wearing right now” Eva demanded. George was a fast learner. In only one hour he had the art of emphasising parts of a word and sentences like women do. He had also learnt to speak softer at the same time. “Tomorrow when your guests come, you will put all these into practice”

Next morning Eva had knocked at Sylvia and Jane’s house, then went along to Margaret’s to invite them for dinner. Each was to take no notice of what George was dressed like. They were to act as if it were natural. Margaret said she loved drag artists. She was looking forward to seeing Georgie. Before they came, we asked George if he liked women with big breasts or small ones. George said he didn’t mind, but had a preference for big breasts. He asked why we wanted to know. “Just so we can imagine you with nice tits” I told him. He laughed. All morning, George practiced what we had taught him. He had it to perfection.

The dinner was set and it was time for the women to see Georgie. Margaret came first. She said hello to George and acted as if it were normal for a man to wear a skirt. Sylvia and Jane came a few minutes later, and with each having a wine, served by the hostess, George, we sat round having a chat. Twenty minutes later, the oven pinged letting us know dinner was ready. Dinner was served and the conversation carried on as if there wasn’t anything out of place. I noticed Margaret getting close to George. The pair were talking like they were old friends. After dinner, George took the crockery and cutlery away and brought another wine for us all.

Margaret told us about a case she had defended the person where it was a case of mistaken identity. She found the right person and won a bet with one of the senior partners of her law firm. Sylvia explained all about the latest make up accessories. Jane told us of the many orders she had. I had to ask as it was a puzzle I had often thought about. A dressmaker has a tailor’s dummy that can be adjusted. But what happens if you get someone who is not standard sized? Jane explained that she has had that problem. The only way she could get around it was to have fake breasts of different sizes that could be used. “I also have hip and bum pads just in case”. My mind went into overdrive thinking of George wearing them. I could see I wasn’t the only one either.

Margaret had that far-away look in her eyes. Eva seemed to be lovingly looking towards heaven. George laughed. He realised what we were thinking. Margaret asked him why he cross dressed. “My mother used to put my elder sister’s dresses on me and I could never get them off. I think she wanted a girl. I love the softness of the material and it makes me relax. I feel a complete fool and look like one”. We all said he didn’t look like an idiot. He looked rather fetching in fact.

It was decided enough was enough and everyone went home. George of course continued cross dressing and we continued tying him up in all sorts of ways. Hog-tied, spread-eagled, we even convinced him to put an eyebolt in the wood beam and had him standing with his hands above his head for a few hours while we teased him by stroking his thighs once more, telling him what lovely panties he was wearing and smacking his bum.

A month later Margaret, at one of our get togethers told us she wanted to marry George. George never heard it of course. We thought it wonderful. Jane said she would get a book on bridal gowns and we could decide what was our favourite one.

We had got George a lot of skirts from minis to full length and some dresses as well. So, one day when he was tied down to the bed, we removed all his male clothes and Margaret took them to a charity shop. All he had now was feminine clothing. Georgie was not happy when he found out. We told him, if he wanted them, he would have to go and get them. As there are six shops all around the town, he would have to visit all of them. Margaret had told the staff she would pay for them if they told George they had been sold. If he tried to offer more for them, they were to refuse. Margaret left a photo of George with her. As the manageress was a friend of hers, that was no problem. She laughed when Margaret told her what was going on. “I’ll show him where the ladies’ section is. I’m sure the ladies present will love to tell him is the style would suit him or not”. Margaret said she would get an invite to the wedding. However, she must be in a trousers suit. She agreed. Margaret gave the woman her telephone number and left the shop with a grin from ear to ear.
Margaret phoned me and told me what she had done. It was down to us now to make George crave to become Georgie. A couple of further sessions with us stroking his thighs and making sure he shot his load, made sure he needed that treatment to cum or even get an erection.

A week later we sat in the lounge with Margaret, Jane and Sylvia. Georgie looked the part in his miniskirt and blouse, tied spreadeagle to his bed once again. Sylvia said she would give him a complete makeover. We all sat watching as he was stripped and gagged. It didn’t take long for Sylvia to use electrolysis on his unwanted hair. His arms and legs were clear in no time. She worked on his neck and face. Finally plucking excess hair from his eyebrows, leaving them in a nice feminine high arch.

Eva and myself sandpapered his fingernails so the fake ones can be glued to them. Margaret worked on his hair. Sylvia used electrolysis to shape his pubic hair into a feminine triangle. This was treated with a softening shampoo to make his pubic hair silky. The next thing was Sylvia worked on his nice long thick hair. She washed and shampooed it and then set it in rollers to give it a nice wavy effect, finally drying it with a hood type hair dryer. She pierced his ears while she was at it and put hypoallergenic studs in. Finally, he was given silk panties to slip on.

By the time the evening came George was looking more like a Georgie than a George. They decided that he had enough treatment so he was given a negligee to wear. It was so fine. I could see his panties through it. No wonder men love them. The following day we saw Georgie wandering around in her skirt and blouse. Sylvia knocked and she brought a sports bra and some inserts to go into the cups. Georgie was told to slip the bra on and lie down. Georgie did as she was told. Sylvia sprayed the inserts with something and put them into the bra.

Ten minutes later she was told to stand up. “These are heavy” Georgie exclaimed. Sylvia said they weighed one kilogram between them. I reminded Georgie she loved huge tits. When she put the blouse on, she truly looked like a real female. “What did you spray on them?” I asked. I was told contact adhesive. “Stops them slipping about” I didn’t say anything, but I realised they were on him until the glue gives up. That might be some time. Georgie tried to remove the breasts and found they were well and truly stuck. She was grabbed and Eva tied her hands, stood her on a box and a rope went up to the eyebolt and back to her wrists. The box was kicked away so Georgie had to stand tip toe. I gagged her and between Eva and myself, we started. I stroked one thigh and Eva the other. Georgie was giving deep breathes. Before I knew it, Eva dropped to her knees and popped her head under his skirt. I started to stroke his stomach and cup his breasts, telling him he was making me turn into a lesbian. That seemed to excite him.

It didn’t take long before Georgie shuddered violently. Eva came out from under the skirt, her face covered with his juices. We decided to leave him there so we can do it again. Eva went to have a shower. After an hour, we released him, sat him between us and started all over again. He was still bound with his hands behind his back when Margaret, Jane and Sylvia turned up. Margaret asked what was going on and we told her, Georgie loves it. Jane set up her laptop, connected it blue tooth to George’s TV and set up a display of wedding dresses. She said it was for a customer who wanted the dress to be a surprise for her. We all had to list from one to ten our preferences. Even Georgie had to take part.

I asked what did the customer like. She said she loved bondage. Eva said, “that perhaps a hobble petticoat that prevented her from walking too fast might be appropriate”. Margaret said that was great idea. Put a nylon petticoat over it so it swishes loudly as she walks. Jane said that if she made the hobble petticoat of nylon, that would be loud enough.
Eventually we found a dress that Georgie liked best. It went right up the neck, had long sleeves, a fitted bodice and flared from the waist. There was also a long train and a veil. Margaret said that would need some flared petticoats to make it flare out properly. We all agreed. Sylvia said that would certainly make the dress rustle, especially if it was made of satin. “No one would know she could hardly walk either”. We all laughed at that. Georgie laughed, “You could put a lock on that collar so she can’t take it off”. We all agreed that as she loved bondage, that would make a lovely bondage dress.

The weeks went by and Christmas came and we had Georgie as Santa’s helper in a little red flared dress. While he was out of the room, Margaret reminded us she was going to ask for her hand in marriage on Valentine’s Day. We spoke about it, Margaret could move in here, Eva and me could move into Margaret’s house. Jane said she had so many orders now that she couldn’t keep up. When Georgie came back, we said we could all help. That includes Georgie. We will teach her to use a sewing machine.

Janet said she knows the height and measurements of the woman but needed help. We coerced Georgie to stand in as a model. Little did she know it was for her. The shoes might be a problem but Jane said she had a way to get round that. She would get white open toed court shoes, and cover them with satin daises or other ornaments and diamantes.

Once all the measurements had been completed, we sat down for a drink. We sat round talking. I said I would love four bridesmaids. Others only wanted two. Margaret agreed four, Eva said one would be enough for her. It was time to ask Georgie. She said it depended on how many attended the ceremony. I said “Supposing there was forty people there, what would you think Georgie?” She answered in that case, four would be fabulous. I took note of her reply.

Margaret had given Jane a large order for different outfits. She wouldn’t tell us what she had in mind. Nor would Jane. Even Sylvia had no idea. One dress that looked lovely on her was a tight bodice that flared from the waist and ended at just above the knee. Made of a light cotton, it was guaranteed to fly up if any wind was about. We decided on going to a restaurant that evening then on to a dance. Georgie panicked. She had never left the house before. We made sure her makeup was perfect and had some diamond earrings in her ears. Sure enough, to our amusement, the dress kept flaring up. Georgie was kept busy holding it down. What with that, and the problem of her shoulder bag that kept slipping off of her shoulders, we were kept highly amused.

At the restaurant we were put in a secluded area, Georgie remarked that nobody said anything about her, which eased the tension in her mind but when we got to the dance club, she was hit upon. Her huge tits stood out like beacons. We couldn’t help but laugh. If only they knew. Georgie was getting stressed out by all the attention she was getting so we decided to leave. Georgie thanked us all for rescuing her. I told her she had just experienced what all of us girls go through. Playing with our bums, smacking us, lifting the skirt and generally being bothered.

Back at home, Eva and I tied her hands behind her back and gave her the old treatment. We each took a thigh and stroked it. It didn’t take long before Georgie got excited. We had only lust reached his balls when she shot everything into her panties. We cleaned her up and have her a clean pair of panties. She thanked us. She was loving our arrangement. We told her that as she was a good girl, we have a surprise for her. Tomorrow is Valentines Day. Margaret had got a present for her.

The next day found Georgie tied spread eagle on the bed. All she is wearing is her panties and bra. She is gagged and blindfolded. We had left her there for a rest. We knew what was coming, but not to the extent that Margaret was going to go to. Margaret turned up with a bag. “It’s something I had Jane make for her. I know it will fit and she will look divine in it”

Before we knew it, Margaret had pulled her panties off. She locked a chastity cage on him. Finally pulling up a pair of old-fashioned bloomers. We released her and stood her up. Margaret put a long black satin nightdress on her. “Petticoats are not long enough” she said. Georgie started to argue. “Either you put this outfit on or that thing never comes off” Reluctantly Georgie slipped the long-sleeved dress over her head and Margaret smoothed it down. The scapula went over her shoulders and the coif and veil were added. Finally, the woolen belt, simple flat black shoes and a rosary, “Now then sister George. I have a question. Will you marry me?”
We all stood in amazement Georgie really did look superb. Jane had made a wonderful job of the outfit. Georgie never answered. Margaret told him there is no rush, as the question has been asked, but that thing stays on until you do say yes” Georgie wondered what she had got herself into.

Georgie agreed. She must have thought she would be getting away from all this crossdressing by now. We convinced her to keep the outfit on. All day she swept serenely around the house. Margaret had arranged for a vicar to call, the reverend Mary Secombe.
It was soon sorted for the date of the wedding. Georgie asked if she could get dressed now. “You are dressed and you keep that thing on until we get married. I’m getting hot thinking about you all locked up” At least Georgie thought he could see the end in sight for his chastity belt and wearing skirts. He was sick of them by now. He wanted trousers and short like the girls were wearing.
A week before the wedding, Margaret was told to stay away. It was lucky as she had to go to Bristol for a case. Jane brought in a bag while Georgie was tied to her bed once more. Then she went to get the dress from Sylvia and her house.

Georgie was untied after being masturbated by Eva. When he came the second time, he was exhausted. That made it very easy for the four girls to get him to do as they wanted to him. All he was wearing by now was his chastity cage that Eva had put back on him and his bra with the stuck-on breast forms. Jane gave him a pair of pure white panties. “All virgin brides should wear these” she said. Begrudgingly Georgie stepped into them and pulled them up.

Eva fastened a white suspender belt around Georgie’s waist. Sylvia and I painted his toe nails a nice bright red. When they had dried, we coated them with a hard lacquer. That took some time to dry but was worth it. Eventually, we rolled the white stockings up her legs and attached them to the suspender belt. “Shouldn’t the suspender go under the panties?” I asked. I was told there wasn’t any need to, as Georgie could slip the panties to one side, not like a real girl. I argued that she will have to sit to pee and defecate like a real girl. That broke no ice. “That will give her something to think about”

The garter belt went on her left leg, six inches above the knee. The full-length hobble style silk petticoat went on first, then the billowed underskirt and the wedding dress. Jane zipped her up. And once the zip had reached her neck, she slipped the padlock into the zip. Jane attached the long train and put the veil and tiara on her head.

Georgie moaned that it was too much. Eva pointed out that unless she did as she was told all her photographs would go onto the internet. “Not only that, that chastity cage will never come off” Georgie was stuck. Maybe she could get it cut off. It was if Eva was reading her mind. “Margaret has told me that no one will cut it off in case you get hurt and become a real woman”.
Just then there was a knock at the door. I heard voices and Eva brought them in. It was four young girls who will be Georgie’s bridesmaids. They will be the only females wearing dresses. The day of the wedding came, the bridesmaids made a great job of fussing over Georgie’s veil and train. Georgie hesitatingly walked down the aisle with Sylvia holding her to the tune of “here come’s the bride”. She looked radiant. Margaret was there in a black tuxedo suit. She looked really smart.

The vicar who was wearing a pair of black trousers made a great job of the ceremony and we invited her to the reception. I noticed Georgie sweating profusely after the first dance, so I suggested she got changed. Eva and I took her and got her changed into a lovely white dirndl dress with a lovely white lace apron. She looked fabulous once more. Everyone was jealous. Even the bridesmaids who had got changed into trousers were looking like they envied Georgie. I had to laugh when I saw Margaret hugging her tightly and her hand coming down to stroke her bum.

Th next day, Margaret and her bride turned up. We asked if there were any problems and Georgie was now in her nun’s costume. It puzzled us until Margaret pulled her strap-on out of her bag. “Georgie refused to let me take her. So, until she does, she stays like this. A nun who never gets satisfaction”. We thought that was wicked but Margaret was her husband now.
Eventually we moved on so never found out what happened.


Since that day I got caught by Eva and Marilyn, my life has turned upside down. At first, wearing skirts and dresses was fun, especially when they gave me my orgasm. But it got to be overpowering after they removed all my male clothing.

I never realised that the wedding dress was for me. I should have done. But what made it worse was when on our wedding night, Margaret tied me to the bed while I was in a short nightie and she got that dildo. When I started shouting, she said “That’s it. Scream like a girl does when she is about to be taken. I love it”. With my legs tied to the headboard, my pussy was available. She did lubricate me but it still hurt. She said it wouldn’t hurt so much next time, but I don’t want a next time, so she dressed me in my nun’s costume and said that is how I will stay until I agree to let her have her conjugal rights. That chastity cage locked on and she threatened to destroy the key.

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